I'm 23 years old, from Dublin, and a recent university graduate. Currently I am working in a minimum wage job trying to save money to go away and travel early next year.
You have a strong sense of style, and always look great. How important is image to you?
I think that the importance of image to me is slightly contradictory. On the one hand I try to avoid placing too much importance on other people's image. On the other hand I know that I am acutely aware of my own image and conscious of how I project to other people.
Would you say it’s the same for most of your friends?
I think that most of my friends find image very important, and I believe that this is one of the reasons that a lot of people initially strike up a friendship... because they can recognise similar qualities in other people.
Growing up in Dublin were you always interested in clothes and make-up?
I was the ultimate tom-boy as a child, as a teenager I tried out the goth look and was interested in clothes and make-up in the sense that I tried to rebel against the "mainstream" (seems to laughable now...sooo glad I grew out of that!). It was more into my late-teens that i became really interested in fashions and trends.
Nothing beats some serious band-girl envy! If I go to a gig and there is a seriously energetic front-woman, I go home just wishing I could be onstage and look like them.
Dublin is a city that’s experienced rapid change over the past 15 years. Have you noticed a difference in what people are wearing/ aspire to wear?
I think Dublin people have really improved in the style-stakes. There is less of a label obsession (although I think this is a world-wide development) and people are much more into vintage looks and individual style. Dublin still has the problem of trying to be like London or Berlin style-wise. I think it is still waiting to find it's own niche.
Does living in the city influence what you wear? In what ways?
I'm definitely influenced by the city. (One obvious factor is the weather of course). I spend a lot of time hanging around and going for lunch etc. on weekends (like half the population of Dublin) and I think that a lot of new styles develop from people just wandering around and getting a feel for what other people are wearing day to day.
I always think of you as a huge music person. Do bands, and musicians, influence your look at all?
Nothing beats some serious band-girl envy! If I go to a gig and there is a seriously energetic front-woman, I go home just wishing I could be onstage and look like them. MayKay from Fight Like Apes (myspace.com/fightlikeapesmusic, pictured above) is a good example. I also find myself being really influenced by male musicians and bands...some nights i want to look like david bowie, some nights I want to look like bob dylan.
Who has great style?
MayKay (Fight Like Apes), Steve Aoki, Karen O, of course, I also used to hate hate HATE Lady Gaga but i must admit that she is starting to grow on me (shudder!).
Any fashion and style tips for our readers?
Hmm... tips, well I think it's about time that plaited headbands were binned once and for all... they drive me mad. Also vest tops with floral mini skirts have been way too overdone. As far as positive tips go... I love drapey fabrics, love a completely overloaded top half (layer after layer), with opaque tights and big clunky wooden heels.
What should no wardrobe be without?
Flat black leather boots for those horrible winter mornings.
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