Friday 18 September 2009

Cheering Up

Yesterday was a bad day, and today's not been much better, which made me think about things that might cheer me, and you, up. Here are a few suggestions to brighten your day.

“If you’re going through hell, keep going.” Winston Churchill

Leave the House I hate doing this at the best of times, but staying in and hiding never makes any difference so we might as well give it a shot.

Go out with friends Good friends put situations that may seem overwhelming in to proportion. They’ll also make you laugh. Extra points if it’s a night out and you end up on the dancefloor.

Make-overs (Maybe more for the girls, this one.)

Yesterday I detailed my love of visiting the MAC counter. I do think purchasing a new eye-shadow or lipstick can make a person feel better. I also like doing fashion shows using clothes I already own, and performing bad make-overs on my friends for the sheer hilarity of it. This is a photo of me and a fashion crime accomplice.

Home Spa On a bad day, turn the bathroom into a home spa. This should include, but not be limited to, the use of favourite bath products, face masks and moisturizers, the painting of nails, and the refusal to come out until you’re good and ready, all while listening to music only you like. Six hours is not unreasonable.

Cook Make your favourite meal. And drink while you're preparing it. If you're as hit and miss as me when it comes to cooking, the drinking will help.

Bake Baking is an oddly rewarding process. It requires almost scientific precision, which keeps an overactive mind, that might otherwise be dwelling on negatives, busy, and goes on to reward you with all kinds of treats. Recommended dishes are peanut butter cookies, devil’s food cake and brownies.

Exercise Not the gym sort. Dog walking, dancing, roller skating, rock climbing, and the odd bit of cycling.
Listening to very loud music A bit of a favourite in my house anyway, as it dovetails nicely with the dancing. Recommended: Cut Copy, Sweet Soubrette, French singer Julien Dore (who’s worth looking at too), early and very cheesey Kylie, and some 80’s power ballads to sing along to (don’t pretend you don’t know all the words).

Arts and Crafts Making things can make you feel better. For one thing, your time is occupied, leaving you with less time to think, a scenario that always makes me feel bad. I like to make cake stands, such as the ones pictured, which were made for my Aunt Jackie and Black Alice, respectively.

Watch your favourite film or TV show, particularly if they’re funny
The healing effects of being wrapped up under a duvet in front the TV are not to be underestimated. Be it Sex and the City, The Inbetweeners, America’s Next Top Model, Don’t Tell the Bride, or even Jeremy Paxman’s unfalteringly condescension on University Challenge, something that makes you laugh will always make you feel better.

“Never lose your sense of humour. The moment you lose your sense of humour, you lose your sense of proportion." David Tang

Two bits of advice that may actually make a difference.

Attitude adjustment Obviously, when it comes to attitude, I’m not going to lecture. Some shit is just so heinous that really all your friends should do is say, “I am so sorry that this has happened to you,” and give you a hug.

Other shit is not so heinous; other shit can be dealt with by “choosing your attitude” as my old, tirelessly upbeat boss used to say. So when things are bad, or you feel fat, or you’re overdrawn again, you opt not to let it affect you, making the conscious effort to remember that, as with everything else, you will get through this.

Keep your sense of humour During the drugs scandal that threatened to ruin her career, Kate Moss’ good friend, the fashion magnate David Tang, told her “to never lose your sense of humor. The moment you lose your sense of humor, you lose a sense of proportion." And it’s true that a keen sense of the ridiculous will get you through many an awkward or embarrassing situation. I always know I’m over something when I can turn it into a funny story, so even at the worst of times I’m trying to figure out how to construct one.

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