Tuesday 8 September 2009

Profile: Alana, Fashion Passion

At 18 Alana is more together than most people manage at twice her age. Her style is kicking, her make-up's immaculate, and her career in fashion- an industry that most of us will never break in to- is already on track.

Here she discusses going to the prom, fashion, make-up and why she isn't that fussed about having a man anyway.

You’ve just left School. How important would you say image- clothes and make-up, etc.- was to you and your friends?

Too important! Kids grow up way too quickly. But I have always loved fashion and make up from an early age probably as my sister is 10 years older than me I watched her getting glammed up and was forced to read Vogue and look at the pretty pictures. Image is very important to girls full stop, especially to girls growing up. There is a lot of pressure or influence at least, from the media. But, more than that, I think girls enjoy being conscious of their image-this leads to fun things such as shopping!

Tell us about prom. What's more important, the dress or your date?

I didn’t start looking [for a dress] until very late. I’m way too laid back about this kind of thing. My friends had theirs months ahead of the event though. It took me about 3-4 days of looking to find the dress I wanted. Once I bought the dress it took me about 3 and half hours to get ready, including hair and last minute applications of bronzer on shoulders etc. (and the odd glass of champagne in our room). I think the dress is far more important than the date!! You can find the perfect dress but finding the perfect man is much more farfetched! I think prom is about friends, I had a great night with my friends, no date needed!

I think the prom dress is far more important than the date!! You can find the perfect dress but finding the perfect man is much more farfetched!

Do you have a job? What do you do? What does it involve in practical terms?

I work for Brook Borg limited. The company owner [has] a modelling agency, a health recruitment agency and fashion production company! I am in charge of the marketing for these companies but predominantly I work for The Promotional People Agency (http://www.promotionalpeople.co.uk/), a modelling agency and I have worked for The Oxford Production Company, a fashion production company. If you’re interested have a look at Hobbs NW3 collection (http://www.hobbs.co.uk/) -we shot it!! Practically my job involves working with my director to decide the direction of marketing, working with my art director with graphics and design, for example I am changing our website at the moment. I also work with events and models under The Promotional People Agency. I also make the odd cup of tea, here and there!

Does working in fashion influence your look?

I think greatly; it makes me far more adventurous. We have Vogue and Marie Claire to flick through in our office and we are an all female team. I think working in fashion helps you develop and identify your own look, what you like and what you don’t.

Who, to your mind, has great style? Do you try to emulate any celebrities in your look?

Great style: Alexa Chung! She is lovely and always looks lovely! Other celebrities probably being Scarlett Johannson, she is very vintage and annoyingly beautiful! I don’t think I emulate celebrities but probably am very inspired by their styles if I like them.

Any fashion and style tips for our readers?

Red lipstick! It completes a quirky, vintage outfit! It’s also bold and strong, and a lipstick is not very expensive!

Red lipstick completes a quirky, vintage outfit. It’s bold and strong, and a lipstick is not very expensive.

What should no wardrobe be without?

A designer handbag! Pulling off an outfit is down to accessories as well. Investing in a classic handbag can make your outfit every time. Chanel or Louis Vuitton being two classics, Damier canvas or Chanel doctors bag being a favourite of mine! They last too, it’s a great investment in my opinion, and they look lovely!

And what should every wardrobe definitely be without?

Anything bought in [deleted for the sake of her career]! Ha, no I’m joking. Erm… I can’t think of anything you know, you can make most things work if they’re styled properly. I say MOST, haha there are definitely exceptions I just can’t think of any. Jeggings maybe, if you’re not a size 4-6 they’re a no-no, they don’t suit normal humans.

Anything readers should avoid?

Items with labels plastered on them. It’s terrible, whether it’s ‘Armani’ or ‘Nike Air’, it’s horrible. In your face is not classy at all, subtle and understated is the way forward.

Finally, if all goes to plan, where do you want to be in ten years time? What will you be doing? Where will you live? What will you have achieved (travel, career, personal life)?

In 10 years time, hmm, I’m so changeable and fickle I have no idea. I’m easily pleased though, I would be happy with a nice townhouse in a city-with a quirky and cool interior that I designed, perhaps a little bmw or something parked outside, editing a great magazine with a killer wardrobe to match and perhaps a fantastically good-looking and well trained man. The man’s not so important though!! So, really, I don’t ask for a lot!

Thanks for listening :)

PS Here's a link to a great article on how to carry off a strong lip, for those who may be unsure. http://women.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/women/beauty/article3634058.ece

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