Tuesday 20 October 2009

It's been a while

Pictured above: Examples of the "Nazar Boncugu" or Evil Eye, commonly believed to ward off evil spirits. I bought a bracelet made of miniature ones while abroad, they work.

I confess that I'm a poor multi-tasker. My excuses are as follows, I couldn't blog from Asia Minor as I had no internet access, and even less motivation. Spend time on here when I could spend it in bars/on the beach/in rapture at the historical sights? I don't think so.

Then, the day after I came back, I began the best internship in history with a magazine that made me sign a non-disclosure agreement on my first day. I'm not sure how little I'm allowed to disclose but I am having the best time working there. I have written a few pieces for them, and will disclose a few scans of them when the time is right.

But, basically, I've been busy, and I apologise to everyone I promised to contact but haven't. I'm back, and in black, and I'm on it.

Kiss, kiss, bisoux

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